E.C.H.O.-Vice president Meurer speaks at EU health summit

“Reshaping health for a stronger Europe”: this is the title of the upcoming EU health summit organized by the EU health coalition on January 28 in Brussels.

On behalf of ECHO, our vice-president and president of BPA, Mr Bernd Meurer, will present some case studies on the crucial role of private stakeholders in EU long-term care systems during the panel session about healthcare as an investment. 

A healthy population is essential for Europe to realize its vision of a secure, competitive and prosperous continent. However, Europe’s health systems are navigating a perfect storm: an aging population, an increase in chronic diseases and a health workforce under pressure. European societies are facing combined cost-of-living, geopolitical and climate crises with significant implications for healthcare.

More info & registration: https://www.efpia.eu/news-events/events/partner-event/eu-health-summit-2025-reshaping-health-for-a-stronger-europe/