New ECHO DIRECTOR elected in Brussels for 2024-2026. Entrepreneur Averardo Orta reconfirmed as President: “Working towards a new, modern WELFARE”.

In the European context we are working on a Welfare that, by enhancing human capital and focusing on technological innovation and humanisation of care, can respond more effectively and efficiently to the health needs of the elderly. The challenges of a perpetually ageing population in Europe are the focus of the new ECHO team. The elective General Assembly of E.C.H.O., the European Confederation of Care Home Organisations, was held in Brussels.

The  elected board remains in office for the two-year period 2024-2026. Reconfirmed as President is the entrepreneur Averardo Orta from ANASTE (Italy).

Re-elected, and for them also a reconfirmation, Bernard Meurer of BPA (Germany) Vice President, Sebastiano Capurso of ANASTE (Italy) Treasurer, Alberto Echevarria of FED (Spain) General Secretary.

Delighted with his reconfirmation, ECHO President Averardo Orta:

“The level of civilisation within a society is measured by how well it takes care of the frail and the elderly. To provide dignified care for the frail and elderly population in the coming years, urgent investment and dedicated EU policies are required. The European Confederation of Care Homes is poised to play its part in sharing the experience and expertise needed at European level to create a new form of Welfare capable of facing the challenges ahead”.


As the OECD points out in its annual “Health at a Glance 2023”, the population is expected to age steadily and progressively in the coming years. By 2050, in OECD member countries, the population aged 80 years and over will double on average from 4.8% to 9.8%.

On average, in OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) countries, people aged 65 might expect to live another 19.5 years. Life expectancy for those aged 65 is around 3.3 years longer for women than for men. A gender gap that has not substantially changed since 2000.

Unhealthy lifestyles and health risk factors remain prevalent, for example, 19.5% of the adult population are living with obesity on average.

Another issue to consider is that 21 million people in OECD countries have dementia. If current trends continue, this number could increase by almost 50% by 2040, reaching almost 32 million people in all OECD countries. Japan, Italy and Germany have the highest prevalence of dementia.

And lastly, there is a divide in access to care. The digital transformation of healthcare systems offers opportunities to improve clinical care, research and system management. However, in only 42% of countries can the public access and interact with their data through existing electronic health portals.

On all these challenges, ECHO will continue to focus on the future by working alongside the European institutions.


The confederationwas founded in 1989 in Brussels in order to promote, in cooperation with the European institutions, the improvement of the social and health care sector, care for the elderly as well as for the disabled, using the principle of cooperation of all its member states. Website Strategic Consultant is Ilaria Giannico. Collaborations with HFE and EU Health Coalition are ongoing.